2024-01-08 10:51:00 +01:00
package log
import (
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2024-01-08 10:51:00 +01:00
type envelope struct {
log logger
lvl level
// err is an error attached to the envelope
err error
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args []*Argument
trace level
type Argument struct {
Name string
Value string
func (a Argument) String() string {
return "(" + a.Name + "=" + a.Value + ")"
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func (e *envelope) Msg(f string, args ...any) {
2024-01-09 11:17:15 +01:00
e.msgT(time.Now(), f, args...)
func (e *envelope) msgT(t time.Time, f string, args ...any) {
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if e.log.Level() < e.lvl {
return // No logging
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// Convert to a public readable Envelope
E := &envelopeData{*e, t}
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msg := fmt.Sprintf(f, args...)
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// lock
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loggers[e.log].format.Output(msg, E)
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if e.trace > 0 || (e.err != nil && e.log.Autotrace() > 0) {
// unlock
var trimpathwarned = false
// WithStack dumps a stack trace after the log message
func (e *envelope) WithStack() *envelope {
return e.WithStackAs(e.lvl)
// WithStackAs dumps a stack trace after the log message using the given log level
func (e *envelope) WithStackAs(lvl level) *envelope {
e.trace = lvl
return e
func (e *envelope) stack(et time.Time) {
if _, file, _, ok := runtime.Caller(1); ok {
if !trimpathwarned && strings.HasPrefix(file, "/") {
WARN.Msg("Binary includes build host information.\n")
WARN.Msg("Consider recompiling using the -trimpath flag.\n")
trimpathwarned = true
//e.trace.To(e.log).Msg("called from: %v:%v\n", file, line)
} else {
e.trace.To(e.log).Msg("cannot get caller")
pc := make([]uintptr, 10, 10)
n := runtime.Callers(2, pc)
frames := runtime.CallersFrames(pc[:n])
frame, more := frames.Next()
// use autotrace level, but if the envelope defines an explicit level use that one instead:
elvl := e.log.Autotrace()
if e.trace > 0 {
elvl = e.trace
for more {
// skip traces within the log module
if !strings.HasPrefix(frame.Function, "udico.de/util/log.") {
elvl.To(e.log).msgT(et, "@%v:%v in %v()\n", frame.File, frame.Line, frame.Function)
frame, more = frames.Next()
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func (e *envelope) Arg(name string, value any) *envelope {
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e.args = append(e.args, &Argument{name, fmt.Sprintf("%v", value)})
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return e
func (e *envelope) Err(err error) *envelope {
e.err = err
return e
func (e *envelope) To(l logger) *envelope {
e.log = l
return e
type Fn func(fmt string, args ...any)
func (e *envelope) If(msg func(Fn)) {
if e.log.Level() >= e.lvl {
2024-01-09 11:17:15 +01:00
// Explain dumps the current log configuration using the logger and log level from the given envelope.
func (e *envelope) Explain() {
for _, v := range loggers {
name := v.name
if name == "" {
name = "default"
env := e.lvl.To(e.log).Arg("name", name)
if file, ok := v.target.(*os.File); ok {
tname := file.Name()
switch file.Fd() {
case os.Stdout.Fd():
tname = "stdout"
case os.Stderr.Fd():
tname = "stderr"
env.Arg("target", tname)
} else {
env.Arg("target", "custom")
env.Arg("formatter", v.format).Msg("Logger %v", name)